so soft beneath our feet,
we walk together, hesitating
at the stream which crosses our path.
Our shoes are taken off,
nervous toes dipped
into the water, so cold,
so refreshing to the soul.
Across the path of water
we step carefully on stones
slippery and hard underfoot.
Your hand reaches for mine;
I jump the final step
with my hand in yours
and feel a sense of pure joy
as we land on the other side.

Onwards, past the sand dunes
shining brightly in the sunlight
glistening like a thousand jewels.
The rock looms from the east
of the bay with a brotherly arm
protecting the sea, sheltering
all that venture forth.
Pools of water stream past
under the dark rock
where the crustaceans live
and the starfish cling for dear life.

The sand is harder now
as we near the sea
and I watch it crack deliciously
underneath my ecstatic feet;
It shimmers at each step
like a million rainbows
plasmating in time
to the roaring sound of the tide.
Now, the sea is here
at our feet, washing toes
in sunkissed lather
filling my heart with aqua love .
We stand at the shore
watching the waves flow on
over and under and on again
forever and ever and on again.
Sand slips away suddenly
from under my feet
making me dizzy
as the world spins past my eyes.

I hold my breath
wait for the calm
and wallow in
glorious trepidation.