Tuesday 5 January 2010

Real England by Paul Kingsnorth

This month I am mostly reading:

Real England, Paul Kingsnorth"A wonderfully passionate exploration of the onslaught against non-commercialised, non-corporate life in Britain. From the closing of local shops to the death of the farming communities, Paul focuses on the human cost of these changes. ‘Real England’ serves as an important reminder of what’s at stake with the corporate takeover of Britain, and also leaves us with some optimism by showing green shoots of resistance, as people begin rising to the challenge of resistance against the onslaught."

This brief review is by Housmans where you can purchase a copy online here or instore here:

Housmans, 5 Caledonian Road, King’s Cross, London N1 9DX
t: 020 7837 4473 | e: shop@housmans.com

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